Friday, September 6, 2013

A week of crafting

As you can tell from the title this post isn't about traveling or life in the Netherlands, it's about crafts! A few days ago I decided to make some crafts to brighten up my rooms. The rooms are pretty much all white and didn't have any decorations on them. That was fine by me since it means I get to decorate it how I want!

                                                                                             Craft #1 
It was kind of hard to take a picture of it...and you can't
even see the braided yarn. 
I brought a small photo album here of pictures with my family and friends so that I could put them in picture frames or just have them in the album to show people. I got an idea to make some frames out of paper and then decided to make it a photo chain. On Monday I went to a craft store, got some decorative paper and some yarn and set about cutting and gluing my photos and paper. I decided to braid the yarn that I was going to hang it up with. I thought it would take just a few minutes to braid it but NOPE! It took close to an hour. They were long pieces of yarn and it kept getting tangled and I had to keep undoing it when it wasn't tight enough. I made it double sided so that I could display more photos and I think it looks really good in my room.

                                                                                          Craft #2
Not that impressive but I think it's pretty good for some
vegetable cans and a cereal box!
Next up were things to keep my desk organized. I used vegetables cans (Clumsy me cut my fingers twice cleaning them out...) and wrapped them in yarn to make pencil/pen holders. Then I cut a cereal box and glued decorative paper onto it (silver to match the cans and yellow to match my desk chair) to make a paper holder.

                                                                                    Craft #3
This is hanging in the little hallway when you come up
the stairs to where my rooms are. 
On Wednesday I went out shopping with some vague ideas and to see what materials I could that would give me inspiration. I found a picture of a wine bottle on canvas with a wood backing for only €1! I bought that with the idea to cover it in paper and decorate it somehow. This took kind of a long time because after I cut out all the little triangles I kept rearranging them trying to figure out what design to do before I decided on my initial. I really like how it turned out! 

The shelf is organized now!
 Craft #4
The shelf by my sink needed some organizing so I went through the glass recycle here and came up with three glass jars. On Wednesday I had also bought paint because I knew eventually I'd think of something to do with it. It worked really well on the glass. Since there were 3 glasses I decided to do my initials. The lines on the letters need a bit of cleaning up but other than that I like how they came out. 

I still have a lot of paint, yarn, and decorative paper left and some more jars and cardboard so I'm trying to think of some other things to do. Anyone have any ideas (specifically Elizabeth aka Ms. Pinterest)?


  1. Looks like fun! And I see a pic from my wedding! yay!

    So, they have these new can openers that openthe cans from the top so you have no sharp edges, thus can't cut yourself. Genius!

    1. Good eye! The cans had the pull tabs and they still had sharp edges inside. I was trying to clean gunk out from around the edge and wasn't careful enough...

  2. Hahaha! I love all of your crafts! :) I'm so happy you're having fun too.

    I'll let you know what I think you'd enjoy crafting. Love and miss you!

  3. I feel your pain with the braiding. Some times when I knit dice bags, I try to braid cord for the draw strings and it always takes forever!

  4. I nominated you!
